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15 Year Old Huntingdon County Homicide Trial Continues

The trial against 50 year old Morico Johnson, who is accused of murdering 2 women in Mount Union 15 years ago continued Today in Huntingdon County.

Key testimony Today focused on where the defendant, Morico Johnson, was when the two women were murdered in 2009.

Timecards from the New York State Department of Corrections, who Johnson was working for at the time, told the jury that Johnson was off of work from December 30th, 2008 To January 2nd, 2009.

This is important because State Police say the two bodies were discovered in Mount Union in the early afternoon of January 3rd.

During cross examination, defense council pointed out that the timecards also show that Johnson then worked back to back 16 hour shifts on January 3rd and 4th in 2009.

They show he was employed in Westchester County, New York, several hours away from Mount Union in Huntingdon County.

50 Year old Morico Johnson is facing homicide charges for the murders of 31 year old Beatrice Daniels and 22 year old Christine McWhorter in January 2009 in Mount Union.

Police say both were shot in the head and that new DNA technology led them to finding and arresting Johnson in 2022.

This morning a State Trooper testifying he interviewed McWhorter’s son who was four years old at the time and described as the only eye witness.

The trooper testified that the boy told him the man he saw the night his mother was killed was a white man wearing a black hoodie with a beard or mustache.

Troopers reportedly using that description of a white man in their search for a suspect.

That same trooper also testified that through interviews

He learned McWhorter and members of her family were distributing cocaine, which was brought up by the defense in their opening statement.

On Wednesday, Defense Lawyer Johnathon Sims pointed out discrepancies between photos taken by State Police at the crime scene, and on Thursday he pointed out how the content of several texts between McWhorter And her ex boyfriend on January 2nd, 2009 were missing from the files State Police obtained from Verizon Wireless.

He also pointed out that there were texts sent on January 1st to and from McWhorters phone, but there was no content for those either.

After asking the trooper who requested the content from Verizon Wireless why this may be, he said quote verizon made a mistake.

Day 3 of what is shaping out to be a long trial wrapped up, and according to the Commonwealth, Johnson said on a recorded phone call that the DNA they found that was reportedly his was quote

“Made up” and the jury is still waiting to hear testimony from DNA experts from both the Commonwealth and Defense.

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