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Day Six Of Huntingdon County Homicide Trial

50-Year-old Morico Johnson is being accused of killing 31-year-old Christine McWhorter and 22-year-old Beatrice Daniels, In Mount Union in January of 2009. State Police saying new DNA technology led them to arresting Johnson in 2022.

The expert witness in bloodstain patterns that the Huntingdon County District Attorney’s office called to the stand said that the bloodstains found above the bed of the victims could be from a gunshot to the head.

Earlier in the trial, the defense brought up how this bloodstain was never analyzed by State Police, and if you remember, one trooper testified that they just assumed it to be from the victims.

The jury also heard from another expert witness, who said that her role was to identify which pieces of evidence had blood on them, and then send those for DNA analysis.

During opening statements, The prosecution said the 3 bloodstains found at the scene of the crime in Mount Union matched Morico Johnson’s DNA profile, according to the DNA analysis expert

The expert also said new technology allowed them to find the match after Johnson voluntarily gave his DNA back in 2019.

The District Attorney’s office also called up an expert in firearms and toolmark examination, who gave the jury a demonstration on how a semi-automatic firearm works he says he was able to confirm that the bullet cartridges found at the scene were all from the same gun

Now last week the jury heard testimony from a gun shop owner in Johnson’s hometown who confirmed Johnson did purchase a gun, but never said which gun.

We will continue to follow this trial as we learn more.


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