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Former President Trump Visits IUP

Former President Donald Trump is speaking to voters tonight just about 30 miles from us in Indiana County.

The rally just wrapped moments ago with this visit being the 3rd time Trump has been in our region in just the past month

Trump and his Democratic rival, Vice President Kamala Harris are both focusing on Pennsylvania in the final stretch before election day. Harris did not have any campaign events scheduled today but she is planning to visit the state on Wednesday.

Hundreds of Trump supporters gathered right here outside of the Kovalchick Center at IUP, while dozens joined behind the building for a counter protest.

The doors to the Trump rally at Indiana University of Pennsylvania opened at 3, but that didn’t stop thousands from lining up outside of the Kovalchick Center hours earlier. Some supporters said that they waited outside of the rally since 9am

“Of course it’s worth it. It’s unprecedented that the President is coming to Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Somebody is going to come here and actually make a change for us and get those taxes off and all that other stuff. I’m just excited for it.”

The line to get into the convention center was at least a mile long before doors opened, with the line of supporters wrapping from the main doors to completely around the parking lot. Supporters say they’re happy with the number of visitors.

“I think there’s an awakening in America that we have to get out there, express our opinion.”

“It’s great to see all these people willing to get behind Trump.”

Meanwhile, dozens of IUP students walked by the crowds and joined together behind the convention center for a counter protest. They say they planned the protest as soon as they heard news of his arrival.

“I know when we got that news that Trump was coming, there’s that moment of panic, that moment of worry, what’s that going to mean, what’s going to happen. But we instantly went into action mode. Our officers were incredible, everyone else in the club was incredible, and we decided we’re not just going to be quiet, we’re not just going to let it happen, we’re going to come out here and represent what really matters to us.”

Community members of all ages joined with the student protesters.

“I told the IUP Dems that I will be there, I was here today at 1 oclock. We’re all out here fighting for the same thing.”

Stay with us as we continue our election season coverage.

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