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Johnstown Air National Guard Employer Appreciation Tour

Military officials at Johnstown’s Airport hosted a “boss lift” event on Wednesday, taking local leaders up in a helicopter, as a “thank you” for their support to service members over the years. This being through the employer support of the guard and reserve program.

Military officials say select people in the National Guard work in normal civilian jobs, as well as in the military, further allowing them working benefits while serving.

The event starting at 9AM, with speakers explaining how the program has helped them.

“It’s so important that the military people understand what the employers needs are, also. It’s our job to basically keep the employers attuned of what their military people do.”

Kuhar says awards are given out to organizations that “go above and beyond” to show their support.

Employers tell me they feel it’s a win-win situation. “For the guy that we have, his attention to detail is very important, in his civilian job, obviously as well as what he’s doing here. So it’s a really good marriage right there.”

Military officials say a total of 51 local organizations participated in the event.

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