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No Air Conditioning At Turner Apartments In Ebensburg

The air conditioning at Turner Apartments in Ebensburg broke about a month ago

It’ll likely take more than another month for the pipes that do the air conditioning in Turner Apartments to be replaced according to residents.

For a few weeks they were waiting and hoping for the issues to be fixed but while managers of the building are working to address the problem this week with weather around 90 degrees came.

One of the residents Linda Evans says she was reaching out to some local organizations but believes they did not know the extent of the issues.

That’s when Evans took to Facebook earlier this week finding a local group and calling for help hoping for fans or portable air conditioners for some of the residents.

Evans says the post got about 700 shares.

She says now all of the over 60 apartment units are being cooled by donated items.

“Alot of residents were coming downstairs just soaked and we have a lot of heart patients, people with breathing problems, residents in their 90s even and I got concerned about their health and welfare.”

Evans says she did not expect the response she got from the Facebook post but is thankful for the support of all the residents.

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