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Trump Rally Protester Identified

New details are being released about the man that was arrested during Trump’s rally in Johnstown last week.

We now know the identity of the suspect who charged the media stage during the rally

Police say, 36 year old Stephen Weiss of Pittsburgh is accused of climbing into the media area and yelling at the stage while the former President was speaking Friday.

Due to courts being closed yesterday for the holiday, charges weren’t formally filed until this morning.

Authorities say Weiss was initially spotted filming the speech from the seating area before running onto the arena floor and quote jumping onto the media riser.

Officials attempted to remove him from the arena but police say Weiss resisted and had to be tazed.

Still no word on what motivated Weiss to try to climb on to the riser

He is being charged with multiple counts of misdemeanor disorderly conduct and resisting arrest

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